Friday, November 9, 2007

Oh Ron, You Devil! (Ron Paul Mania as hot as hell fire)

Ron Paul's meteoric rise has been fascinating to say the least. For anyone who has seen the movie "Oh God" with George Burns and John Denver, it almost seems reminiscent of the hysteria that ensues once the John Denver character follows God's (played by Burns) command to spread His message to the world. This recent video at youtube reminds me of the scene after Denver's character appears on the Mike Douglas show, or some kind of program like that, to tell the world he has seen God, and he comes home to find a bunch of crazies camped out on his lawn. In this clip Congressman Paul is asked questions like "how can we win our war against Satan?" and "if Satan were here what would you say to him?", as well as inquiries on many other burning social issues. Youtube user daveweigel81 posted the footage:

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