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this "Every day I'm rustlin'" jimmies meme was totally inspired by the japing ape (so you don't get the wrong idea, this is a man in a gorilla suit, and not Gorilla Bananas the author of the japing ape blog) |
Well, you are probably wondering what's going on with all the rest of my regular commenters (by my "regular commenters" I mean, my readers who have been commenting on virtually every post since nearly the dawn of Fungus time), so here we go: Jax at http://raviolisandwaterworks.com recently had a birthday, so be sure to send her a belatedly baked cake if you haven't already. The entire world is awaiting the next Bersercules video, and the next Mark the Rambling Person podcast. Nellie Vaughn, the author of Buttons are Not Currency (who also hosts Little Room Discussions with this other girl), has been missing in action for quite awhile now. Miss Vaughn if you are tired of blogging, I still need your comments on my blog posts. I would be glad to compensate you, but I can only afford to pay you in Doritos. Oh! And I have never given a shout out to Aysh at http://ohmeowmeowoh.blogspot.com/ who almost never misses one of my posts...so good for you, Aysh. You're a poet, and a hero. Recently, I have met some new lovely people who are leaving some super delightful comments, and I swear I WILL write about you sooner, or later. (If you want me to that is.)
Kbbuddingwriter at http://karanbattu.blogspot.com, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you. You are actually going to be kind of a BIG DEAL in this post...
Apparently, there are a fair number of people who would like to see Justin Bieber be the recipient of a "savage beating." (If you have read either one of my articles JUSTIN BIEBER FACING JAIL TIME (or at least that's what I read on some website)...ALSO, How to Fight the Good Fight (and why we should not give up) OR Justin Bieber Facing Jail AGAIN (an update), Mister Rogers New Rap and/or Hip Hop Video, Nuclear Power Plant in Ohio may be unsafe (but nobody seems to care), and the Story of "To Potato and Beyond" you already know there are a fair number of people who want to see Justin Bieber behind bars.)
Anywho, if you are one of the sick puppies who wanted to see Justin Bieber get a can of whoop ass opened up on him, it looks like you have gotten your wish. For in his new video for the song "As Long As You Love Me", that is exactly what happens.
MTV even had the audacity to ask the guy that beat up Bieber if he enjoyed it. SEE: Did Michael Madsen Enjoy Punching Justin Bieber?
"I didn't exactly enjoy slapping him around," Michael Madsen told MTV News. "Had he been a prick, had he been a brat, you know, I might have had fun with that. But he was actually, he was the opposite."
Back in the day, it probably would have been rude for a member of the media to even ask such a question. But, if you ARE one of these cruel sadistic bastards, who would enjoy seeing Justin Bieber get his ass kicked, I personally made this gif for you...
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Justin Bieber getting beaten up in "As Long As You Love Me" gif |
And to give you some context, here is the full video below...
So, now I am going to attempt an awkward segue into the next thing I shall be talking about...
If I was rich and famous as Justin Bieber, I would probably savor the flavor and aroma of every turd my detractors in the peanut gallery chose to fling my way. But being the poor, struggling proletariat that I am... getting pestered by the occasional poop projectile is at best, a mildly depressing reason to bring my computer to the crap cleaners, and at worst,...wellll...let's not go there.
Recently kbbuddingwriter of http://karanbattu.blogspot.com wrote an insightful article entitled "How Comments Hurt." Well, if he doesn't mind... I am going to follow up on his article, with an article addressing a comment I received on my last post My Personal Collection of "Hail Satan!" Memes (this is my second "most controversial post" post), but FIRST...Carly Rae Jepsen vs. Liam Neeson,...and ALSO: Song of the Day. My assertion that the post would stir up a controversy indeed turned out to be quite prophetic, as some of the topics broached did cause quite a furor.
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"Saturday Night Fuhrer" (found on the internets) |
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SARCASM DETECTOR (via "The Simpsons") |
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ABBA in "Take a Chance on Me" video... and Bersercules?? |
I did create a meme starring a youtube personality "Lord Picklejar" that was emblazoned with the caption (if you want to refer to it as a caption) "HAIL SATAN!"
Lord Picklejar is not a "blogger" in the sense that our commenter T. Roger Thomas means. Picklejar hosted a youtube program at his channel http://youtube.com/colpicklejar and described himself as ""the grand archduke of Hell in the service of Satan, who is called the Lightbringer." (Lord Picklejar has not hosted a show at this channel for a very long time...I assume, he has moved on to bigger and better things.) Lord Picklejar had a tradition of ending every one of his shows with the exclamation "HAIL SATAN!"
And guess what...GUESS WHAT, PEOPLES!! I have made my first ever youtube video by making a best of compilation of Lord Picklejar hailing Satan, at my very own youtube channel http://youtube.com/jimmyfungus! And here it is....
Now...forgive me, if I use a little sarcasm of my own... As you can see I was reaaaaallly out of line for having the nerve to make the meme that I made.
In the words of the immortal Steve Martin...
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Steve Martin: "Excuse me!" |
Moving right along...
Now, I would like to introduce a brand new segment at JimmyFungus.com called "Insanely Brilliant Quotes" with Fran Lebowitz. Fran Lebowitz is a best selling New York author, and her wisdom, candor, and wit can be matched by...virtually no one. It is always fascinating to hear her views on all of today's burning social issues, and she is an excellent spokes person for pretty much anything. (SEE: Fran Lebowitz on Occupy Wall Street)
Way back in the day, Lebowitz was a frequent guest on the David Letterman Show. (SEE: Fran Lebowitz on Late Night With David Letterman) Sadly, at least it seems to me, that most recently, the corporate run anti-Rebecca Black media, rarely gives her a forum to express her ideas. Well, kids, we can fix that...can't we? With my newly invented "Insanely Brilliant Quotes with Fran Lebowitz" meme, we can spread Fran's insane brilliance to all corners of the internets. Here are just two examples of what we can do with this idea...
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Fran Lebowitz on billionaires' greed |
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Fran Lebowitz on the hypocrisy of the super rich |