

Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday Face Off (please cast your vote in this comedic challenge), PLUS Rebecca Black's New Video About to Drop

There are many superstar comedians in the comic universe, and I don't know if we will be talking about any of them today. I will leave that for you to decide in the comments section. But anywho, today we are featuring a very big youtube name Jimmy Tatro of the lifeaccordingtoJimmy channel at youtube, and JimmyFungus.com's resident comedian Chucky C. Chuckles( aka "the worst comedian in the world") in two videos.

I won't go into it in too much detail about this, the first video you will be watching, is by the Jimmy Tatro guy from his lifeacccordingtoJimmy channel called "Don't be THAT guy", and the second video is a response video from Chucky C. Chuckles, the worst comedian in the world, posted on my youtube channel.  I hope I am not going to influence the voting and taint the electoral process (yes, i'm going to ask you to vote) by telling you this, but the lifeaccordingtojimmy guy has 47,903,456 video views on his channel, and Chucky C. Chuckles has only 3 views for his video (1 view from him, 1 from me, and 1 from Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves who only watched it halfway through and had to go to the bathroom) the last time I checked.  So, I don't know how good my math is, but does that mean Jimmy Tatro (the lifeaccordingtoJimmy guy) is 990 gorillion times better than Chucky C. Chuckles??

Here is the first video from "lifeaccordingtoJimmy."

And here is a response video from Chucky C. Chuckles, the worst comedian in the world (again please try to push the fact his name is "Chucky C. Chuckles, the worst comedian in the world" out of your minds when you are casting your votes later)...

Ok, now that you have watched both videos, you can vote later, on which comedy set was better , in the comments section below...

a Jimmy Tatro lifeaccordingtoJimmy gif I made from some reason

Ok, now for something completely different.  Rebecca Black's new song is out on itunes today (SEE:  Rebecca Black "In Your Words" teaser), and just coincidentally, it is BLACK FRIDAY, and Rebecca BLACK's smash hit was "FRIDAY"....hmmmmmmmm.

COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT gif (via "The Incredibles" movie)

Rebecca Black high 5 gif
Unfortunately, the new video is not out quite just yet, but we have to get our Rebecca Black fix somehow, so here, for today's SONG OF THE day, is "Person of Interest" by R.B. Rebecca Black... Yeah..so check out the video below.

Once again, God bless you all, and please remember to support your local zoo.

Stay classy, Chicago!

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