Friday, June 21, 2013

The New Miley Cyrus Video Disturbs Many...PLUS Dueling Bohemian Rhapsodies (The Big Lebowski vs. William Shatner); ALSO Shocking Sloths, Attacking Manatees, and Ron Burgundy

this guy from "Italian Spiderman" reacts to a sloth gif (created by some unknown genius)

I hate when that happens.  Welp, anyway... many of Miley Cyrus' long time fans reacted the same way this guy from the Italian Spiderman movie did, when they caught a glimpse of her new video.  (SEE:  Miley Cyrus "We Can't Stop" )

Miley Cyrus "OH GOD WHY" twerk gif paraphrase Ned Flanders "dang diddily do dang do damn diddily darn it" I am just going to post the Miley Cyrus video for those of you who haven't seen it yet.

But don't use up all your precious energies on watching it, because today's post has barely just begun.  

So hang onto your potatoes kids, because we're just getting started.

Anywho, here's the dagnab video...

Yeah.  Well.  This Miley vid is described as "interesting" by some, and in terms that are less complimentary by others.  

I would characterize the reviews so far as "mixed."

As you can plainly hear, it's a controversial new anthem that sings the praises of partying very hard.

Homer Simpson PARTY HARD gif

It doesn't mention any of the things that can go wrong when one "parties down" without considering the consequences...

"DAMMIT FRANK.  KEEP IT TOGETHER" giraffe meme (from the internets)

That's not what the song is about I guess. However, a certain man (Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves, the roving entertainment reporter and official poet laureate of was happy to moralize regarding the message of "We Can't Stop", and the ramifications of the type of behavior it is promoting. Welpers, just watch Lord Throckmorton's video down below (or attempt to anyway). The title of this video is "We Want the Old Miley Cyrus Back!"

an exciting new William Shatner meme or gif, or whatever ya wanna call it

O.k. whatever.  I am just going to jump into our next topic now, which is the issue of these dueling "Bohemian Rhapsodies"...

You see, for some inexplicable reason I can't begin to articulate, I was inspired to create a "The Big Lebowski" version of this classic Queen song.  The results are available for your viewing pleasure down below...

(UPDATE 9/3/2013: I deleted the video when I was in a bad mood.)

And for awhile, I thought it was one of the best dang versions of "Bohemian Rhapsody" that had ever been created.

"YEAH, WELL THAT'S JUST LIKE, YOUR OPINION, MAN" Big Lebowski meme (from the internets)

Then I caught wind of the Willliam Shatner version, which is a masterpiece.

Truly, a masterpiece.

But anyway, it only has about a million views on the youtube.  I think it deserves at least about 100 gorillion more.  So, why don't you do your fair part in trying to accumulate that number by watching it below...

And NOW just a couple more topics which we shall briefly discuss...

the thrilling OVERLORD MANATEE meme (from the internets)

I made another exciting video at my youtube channel, which is called "When Manatees Attack."  And yeah.  It's really exciting.

RON BURGUNDY:  HE'S KIND OF A BIG DEAL meme (new and improved version)

Just one more thing.  Since "Anchorman 2" starring Will Ferrell (and most of the original cast) will be coming out EVENTUALLY, I have taken it upon myself to make a video which is a new and improved version of the scene in which Ron Burgundy utters the famous phrase, "I'm kind of a big deal."  The title of this new video is "Ron Burgundy: "I'm kind of a big deal" (NEW & IMPROVED VERSION)." (update 9/3/2013:  I deleted the video when I was in a bad mood.)

With that...our journey for today ends.  Once again God bless you, and please remember to support your local zoo.

William Shatner "Bohemian Rhapsody" gif

Stay classy, Chicago!

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