Here in Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1982 film Conan is asked...
What is best in life??
"What is best in life?" Alpha Boyfriend meme |
Now just for fun, let's imagine this whole discussion was taking place on an episode of the Open Forum starring world famous Bible teacher Harold Camping. It would probably go something like this...
"Welcome to the Open Forum. Now may we take our first caller please..."
"Hello Brother Harold. My name is Boxxy.. Most of you know me as...Umm..umm..most of you know me as Boxxy, I suppose..."
"Boxxy, What is your question, please!?"
"Brother question is...What is best in life??"
"...To crush your enemies...see them driven before you...and to hear the lamentations of their women."
"That is good...that is good!"
"Thank you for calling and sharing. Now may we take our next caller please..."
Well, that shall end what has been another thrilling ride through the blogosphere at Once again, God bless you and thank you for your support.