Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Does God Exist?: Mysteries of the Universe Unraveled (Episode No. well whatever episode number it is)

Hello again, true believers.  It is time again for another lovely episode of "Mysteries of the Universe Unraveled."  I thought I would fire off this very important entry while I still have my mojo, and then I will respond to your comments, questions, videos, letters, e-mails, voicemails, text messages, and all other such communications. 

Today we will be tackling the question: "Does God exist?" and instead of me giving my opinion, I will supply you with the views and commentaries of some well known, and others not so well known philosophers across the internets.  So, how did I pick these particular videos?  I was feeling kind of tired and depressed when I wrote this, so I discussed various factors in my brain like..."I hope this video is not too long, because I don't feel like watching a really long video right now."  and  "Will people actually find this information beneficial and life enriching?"

Ok, then...  Let's learn a little bit more.  On with our mini-parade of interweb philosphers and thought makers...

The Amazing Atheist

It was like 4 in the morning when I was watching I am not sure I exactly understand what theAmazingAtheist is talking about here, but I am assured that it is one of his most amazing oratorical performances of all I hope you find some value here, even if you do not wholeheartedly agree with what he says.


Kabane the Christian

KabanetheChristian is perhaps the most competent spokesman for Christianity on all of the internets, because he combines the unusual qualities of being both intelligent, and not nuts. This video isn't one of his finest moments, but if you check him out on youtube, he makes some good arguments.


One thing that I have learned in my studies, is that trashing God, or belief in God is a very good way to pick up chicks. I have not done any field research on this, but I think you might also need cool hair, or maybe need to paint your finger nails black, or something in that vein, before you try this. I don't think that is the reason Greg Onision came to his views on God and religion, but he certainly has a large young female fan base to show for his efforts. Anywho, I suppose he makes some decent arguments. I don't know if he could quite go toe to toe with Kabane the Chrisitan in a least not without strangling him at some point...but he makes some decent arguments.

The Bdonksi

The Bdonski asks us "The Late Night Question"...and things are about to get intense. Also, I think he is Lisa Nova's brother if that means anything to you.

Lord Picklejar

This first installment in the Great Lectures in Evil series, is essential viewing as far as I'm, if you are too damn lazy to watch any of these other videos, I strongly recommend you watch this one.

Chris Humphrey

I am being completely serious when I say that not since Christ walked the earth has someone given a more succint, or compelling explanation of how to live a good life, and make the world a better place, than Chris Humphrey in his video "People's lives are the important thing."


I include this video mainly because Dax was so good at teaching me things I did not know, and also so I had an excuse to repost this...

Well, I suppose I will just leave it at that, and let others draw their own conclusions.  I hope you found this entry helpful...and if it was too information packed..well, just bookmark it, and come back some other time in the future when your brain cools down.  Once again, thank you dear friends.  Courage!

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