

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rumors of Adam Lambert being Queen's New Lead Singer are FALSE!

Boxxy vs. Queen, and Freddie Mercury

Yesterday, the internet was abuzz with reports that Adam Lambert was the new lead singer of the legendary rock group Queen.  Well, long story short,...it seems that was totally untrue...at best Lambert will join Queen for some performances.
"Oooh them clever reporters takin my quotes outta context.... I haven't confirmed any guest appearances. I was talking about the EMA'S. That being said, I'm truly flattered by your jump to such glorious conclusions mr journalist!! :)" Adam Lambert.  SEE:Adam Lambert Addresses Queen Rumors on Twitter - The Hollywood Reporter

Sadly, it appears that once again the massive corporate celebrity industrial complex mainstream media machine massively screwed things up. 

Bob Dylan "Fail"

As Dylan would say, "Nice job, guys!"

Well, that will end today's brief trek through the blogosphere. Once again God bless you, and thank you for your support.

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