Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kim Jong Un Looking at Things with Binoculars (perhaps the best compilation of "Kim Jong Un looking at things with binoculars" gifs known to the free world...oh, and a video too)

Hello again, true believers.  Welcome to a very special mid-week edition of  Probably by now you realize that this entry is about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un (and his binoculars).  Evidently, when Kim Jong Un (or Kim Jong-un....whatever) is not busy oppressing his people, he is busy using the best pair of binoculars he could find at the local Walmart to "look at things."  Anyway, you would think there would be some really amazing gifs on this subject across the vast expanse of the internets, but there really aren't.  So, what did I do?  I made a batch of my own.  

Annnnd here are the gifs...

Kim Jong Un with binoculars looking at PSY singing "Gentleman" gif

Kim Jong Un with binoculars looking at Taylor Swift gif

Kim Jong Un with binoculars looking at Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez gif

Kim Jong Un with binoculars looking at Charlie Sheen gif

Kim Jong Un with binoculars looking at Hayley Williams and Spongebob Squarepants gif

Kim Jong Un looking at 50 Cent and "Surprised" Patrick Star

Kim Jong Un with binoculars looking at a crying baby and dancing gorillas gif

Kim Jong Un with binoculars looking at the Death Star explode gif

Well, that will do it for this super special important mid-week surprise post.  Once again God bless you all, and please remember to support your local zoo.

Stay classy, Chicago!

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