Friday, October 10, 2014

The Skeleton War and the Rustling of Ricardo (other topics covered include SpongeBob Squarepants, Shane Dawson, Nash Grier & Hayes Grier)

"“I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms...

No matter how bad things get in life, we know they could always get worse...

At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.” (via SpongeBob Squarepants)

For instance, you could be drafted to fight in The Skeleton War.

Spy Kids fight in the Skeleton War

Which is a perfect segue into Jake Brickhead's latest edition of "This Week in Memes", which you can watch below...

New addition to my youtube channel Ricardo the Ranting Rhinoceros wasn't drafted, but nonetheless, his jimmies suffered from some serious rustling this week.

gorilla CSR on the phone

Just watch this clip from Shane Dawson's vlog "A Message to Haters" and you'll see what got Ricardo's rhino trunks in a loop...

Owldolph Hitler

Well, is a little rant on the subject via Ricardo...

And on yet another episode of  RANT-O-VISION, Ricardo could not hide his disdain regarding the notorious Nash Grier and his brother Hayes (see NASH GRIER vs. HAYES GRIER)

Watch the drama unfold in the video below...

"I FARTED" dog meme

And now we shall end this week's journey through the intertubes.

Once again thank you, and please remember to support your local zoo...

Stay classy, Chicago!

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