Friday, November 20, 2015

A Week Full of Tumult: Adrian Gee EXPOSED for Faking It (also, we talk about other stuff)

compliments gif

Adrian Gee's video The Real Blind Man Honesty Test Social Experiment was quite an impressive accomplishment in a time filled with quite a lot of tumult...

Terrorism in Paris...

Ronald Reagan meme (via the internets)

Charlie Sheen's reveal that he has been infected with the HIV virus...

Charlie Sheen meme

That Subway guy Jared Fogle getting 15 years in the big house...

Spider-Man meme from the internets

But then word broke that Adrian Gee's video was just a HOAX!  See  Adrian Gee EXPOSED as Liar and Conman | Aired Today Tonight Adelaide


What a perfect topic for the first ever episode of Chucky C. Chuckles's new show "LOSING!"  (Charlie Sheen and Jared Fogle also stop by to make FAKE appearances.)  Check it out:

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