Friday, November 6, 2015

Essena O'neill Exposes the Dark Forces Behind Social Media (Shepard Steel Applauds)

Essena O'neill quits social media

Okay, first of all... some of my readers may be wondering why this is my second post in a row featuring a video starring Shepard Steel.. What is up?  Do I have Shepard Steel Mania, or something?  Not more than most of you..  actually I made a video on my youtube channel last week (with Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves) on the new Ariana Grande & Barack Obama videos, but didn't get around to writing about it here...

monkey and many others are fed up with social media

Onto this week's topic which is Instagram star Essena O'neill's decision to leave and/or decalre war on social media.  Essena took the original video down from her channel, but someone "mirrored" it...

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Inspirational Quote

We knew it wouldn't be long before the powers that be would try to hijack social media and turn it into a cesspool of capitalist pig puke.  Don't say "maybe"... join us in the fight to stop these dark forces by watching this week's episode of "ILLUMINATI UNDER INVESTIGATION (starring Shepard Steel)"...


Once again, God bless you, and thank you for your support!

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