

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Joe Biden "Listen here, you little sh*t" Chicken Meme!

I made this meme to memorialize Joe Biden's little run in with a Detroit auto worker before the Michigan primary

Awww, hey gang.  You may have heard about Joe Biden's little interaction with a Detroit auto worker where he told the nice young man that he was "full of sh*t"..

As you all see I've turned it into a delightful meme called the Joe Biden "Listen here, you little sh*t Chicken meme!

my new meme is inspired by this meme called the Birb Heavy meme/Chicken Kiev meme/Bird saying "Listen here, you little shit" or just Chicken saying "Listen here, you little shit" MEME

Welpers,  I hope I sufficiently explained the meme and where it comes from.  If you are still confused just hit me up on twitter.  I have to go do my taxes now.  God bless you all and thank you for your suppport.

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