Monday, August 17, 2009

BLOG TREK 2009: The Sideshow, Harold Camping vs. Dr James White (the saga continues), & More

Ohhh, today's the greatest, day I've ever's the greatesttt...(Well, actually technically it was yesterday, but I didn't get around to writing this until now.) So, why am I singing Smashing Pumpkins' songs? Because this blog was mentioned in the world famous, and super important political blog Also known as "The Sideshow", this blog is run by noted anti-censorship feminist Avedon Carol who is author of the book "Nudes, Prudes and Attitudes." (You can view the exact entry here, where this is called a "fun blog." Woo hoo!")
The kind words in The Sideshow blog certainly made my day, but what's with all the gratuitous "making out" in this Smashing Pumpkins video? Well, anyway, I certainly know how ice cream guy must feel. (By the way, thank you youtube user mallqueen3654 for posting this vid.The vid can also be seen here The Smashing Pumpkins - Today Video) But I digress... The saga of the philosophical, theological feud between Harold Camping (pictured to the left, and boy does he look handsome), president and general manager of Family Radio, and Dr. James R. White, director of Alpha and Omega ministries, continues. I received a very lovely comment from reader and Harold Camping listener Matthew J. Grabow on my last entry Funguzz Vizzion: Mr. Harold Camping vs. Dr. James White: Clash of Theological. Mr. Grabow correctly pointed out, "Virtually all of his detractors seem to like to leave out the "?" that was in the book's title. The book's full title was "1994?". They like to say - quite incorrectly, mind you - that Mr. Camping dogmatically insisted that 1994 was the year of the end of the world." Matthew J. Grabow is quite correct. Indeed there was a "?" after the title of Mr. Camping's book. Mr. Grabow goes on to raise an even more astonishing point: "Now Mr. Camping fully and dogmatically insists that (May 21) 2011 is absolutely, 100% without question the year of Christ's return and the end of the world." And you know what that means. Yes, this means the Chicago Cubs are going to win the 2010 World Series. Even, more disturbing than the end of days and final judgment, is the reaction I have been getting from Dr. James R. White's minions regarding some of my honest inquiries about this matter. (I would have posted a picture of Dr. James White to the left, but I think he is mad at me, so I decided to play it safe and put a picture of Dr. Phil McGraw instead.) You see, I wanted to put a real nice comment on the Iron Sharpens Iron: James White Reviews His Debate with Harold Camping blog. So I went to my neighborhood library, did about 9 hours of exhaustive research on this, without taking any meal or bathroom breaks. Then I stayed up all night writing some very thoughtful comments to post (still not taking any bathroom breaks this entire time, or sparing any time to put on deodorant, and believe you me, I was really starting to stink). Then I posted my comment and made sure to plug Dr. White's book "Dangerous Airwaves: Harold Camping Refuted and Christ's Church Defended" at least 7 or 8 times (you know, just to be nice)... ...and then I go back to the Iron Sharpens Iron blog, oh about a day later, to see how appreciative the folks at Iron Sharpens Iron blog would be at the effort I went through to write such a thoughtful comment...only to find my comment had been deleted!! Well, I gotta tell ya, that really sucked. I mean, come on kids!, tips for teens,...I'm trying to help you, don't be so mean! ("Tips for Teens" by Sparks comprised of Ron and Russell Mael, uploaded by wonderfool1234 at youtube promoting "Tips for Teens" can also be seen at spike Sparks - Tips For Teens and CMT : Videos : Sparks : Tips For Teens.) Well, as it turns out, I must have posted my comment at a very bad time, as Dr. White's assistant, a Mr. James Swan, seemed to go on a comment deleting inquisition, shortly thereafter,...for this is what was written in the comments section under entry Iron Sharpens Iron: James White Reviews His Debate with Harold Camping, here is what James Swan "said": "Here's a warning: The Iron Sharpens Iron blog is not a democracy. I will not tolerate personal attacks or insults against Dr. James White. Think I'm kidding? Try me. Your comment will be deleted. What's a personal attack or insult? Well if you're smart enough to write, and you're smart enough to defend your views, I think you're smart enough to know when you've deliberately crossed the line. Try this little game: ask yourself if you would be offended or insulted if what you just wrote was directed toward you. In fact, I will be going through some of the older comments and weed out those of you who can't behave when you sit behind a keyboard." Gee wiz. Anyway, I don't understand why MY comment was deleted. I was very respectful and even went through very great pains to mention Dr. White's book "Dangerous Airwaves: Harold Camping Refuted and Christ's Church Defended" at least 7 or 8 times. In my last blog on this Funguzz Vizzion: Mr. Harold Camping vs. Dr. James White: Clash of Theological, I did say that Dr. White looked like former Minnesota governor Jesse "the Body" Ventura, but I hardly think that would be counted as an insult,... Jesse Ventura is a very handsome man. But wait, it gets better! I ran into another bump in the blogosphere, a blog written by a guy named Bob, who is a theological soul brother with Dr. White (his last name is really hard to spell, so I will just call him "Bob"),called "Exposing Darkness." Bob writes, "Yes it is true! In this rare ocassion, Camping is coming out of his comfort zone of the Open Forum to debate Mr. James White of Alpha and Omega ministries. Everyone who has been involved in this debate must listen, because here is where the rubber meets the road. I am looking forward with great zeal towards this." in his entry URGENT, UNBELEIVEABLE- Harold Camping will Debate James White this Week « Expo . I again, attempted to comment...but made the rookie commenting error of pointing out how badly he misspelled "unbelievable", so my comment was DELETED. Uhh, wait, I just noticed he also spelled "occasion" wrong. Alright, just forget about that...that's not what's important right now. What is important is that Daxflame has recently posted a new video for the first time, in a very long time. Enjoy, and once again...God bless you, and thank you for your support.

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