Sunday, October 11, 2009

Angelic Michael Moore vs. Hellish Hannity, Miley Cyrus Deletes Twitter, Michael Jackson Disses Madonna, Lady Gaga Covered by Idol (Also, more fallout from Seth Green freakout video)

In a follow up to my earlier article Funguzz Vizzion: Michael Moore calls capitalism "evil"; ALSO "Miley Cyrus is not Hitler" (plus Ellen Page's new movie, and A Daxflame Moment in History) , while promoting his latest movie "Capitalism: A Love Story", Michael Moore went face to face with one of his most fierce adversaries, Fox's Sean Hannity.  In this interview Moore continued to hammer home one of his most prominent themes...the motivation for his films is his belief in Jesus' teaching that we will be judged on how we treat the "least" among us, smashing the myth that only voters on the right are religious. (See also: The God Gap)

Meanwhile, on the other side of the globe, renegade economist Max Keiser called for a workers'revolution from his underground bunker in Paris.  (See YouTube - Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs story (pt1 of 2) )


Once again proving this blog is the kiss of death, just a few short days after my article on Miley Cyrus and Johnny Smooth, Miley Cyrus deleted her twitter account, and JohnnySmooth's youtube account was suspended.  I have no idea what's behind all this, I hope all those people sending me hate mail from New Zealand didn't flag their accounts.  Miley was thoughtful enough to offer an explanation in this rap video she made at the you tube, however.  (For a more detailed wrap up see this Miley Cyrus Deletes Twitter Account For Boyfriend Liam Hemsworth | Disney Drea)


In recently released tapes of personal Michael Jackson interviews, Michael Jackson  describes Madonna as not a very nice person.  (See Michael Jackson tapes: Madonna 'is not a nice person' -  Long story short, Madonna refused to go to Disney Land with him and some kinda jazz like that, and all around was not a very chill chick.


 Well, it appears that former American Idol finalist Chris Daughtry, is the latest person to come down with a bad case of Lady Gaga mania, as one can see in this youtube vid in which he covers her big hit "Poker Face." (vid posted by arthajjoey)

Well I will be writing a lot more on this Lady Gaga character in the future, she is truly a pop cultural phenomenon.  (I remember it took me a year to remember how to spell Alanis Morissette's name, this Lady Gaga is a genius for coming up with a name that a baby could say.  Get it...babies say "goo goo".."gaa gaa"...OH NEVERMIND!)


Well, there has been more fall out from the Seth Green freak out incident, as Smosh scores an exculsive interview with the security guard involved in the altercation. (*wink wink* This is a parody.)  It's a good video, but I kinda hate to see Smosh resort to full frontal nudity to get their point across. 

Speaking of security guards, I breezed by my local Lackluster Video Store recently to rent Seth Rogen's latest triumphant "Observe and Report."  I laughed, I cried,...I want to rent it again and again.  I was kinda disappointed that the Anna Faris character was such a bimbo, but hey, ya can't have everything.  (For the theatrical trailer and other info go here: Observe and Report )

And there are a lot of great songs,on the "Observe and Report" soundtrack...Thanks to this movie the underrated Queen tune "It's Late" off of their "News of the World" album was thankfully brought back to my attention.  Check it out below (posted by Queenfan81)

Well, that's all folks.  Once again God bless you, and thank you for your support.

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