Monday, March 19, 2012

Dax Flame: Where is he now in 2012?? (Updated 6/12/2013)

I suppose the diehard Dax Flame fans know that he has ventured into the world of blockbuster motion pictures...  But being as difficult as it is to keep up with things in this busy, busy world...I have decided to provide this brief compendium of all things Dax Flame, at least as far as current events go. 

Welp, you likely have heard about the movie Project X Project X - TV Spot 23 - YouTube .  When I heard Dax Flame was going to be in this Project X project...well, naturally I was elated...
Dax Flame with the cast of "Project X"

But my elation turned to measured joy, when I realized that the makers of "Project X" were not utilizing the massive talent that is Dax Flame to it's maximum capablities.  He was no where to be found in the trailer, for example....though his name was indeed in the credits.

I thought perhaps that the promoters of the film did not want to give away too much.  I remember when E.T. came out...we had no idea what E.T. the Extraterrestrial looked like until we saw the movie....

Now here is Dax being interviewed on the set of "Project X"...and if you still don't know what "Project X" is  about, Dax sums it up quite well. "It's about a party that goes out of there's explosions."

In this red carpet interview at the premier of "Project X", Dax explains why people should want to see this film. "If they wanna go see a movie on the weekend, and they're in a mood to see it. It would be the perfect one to see."

In an interview with the cast of the movie, we get some clues on who the real Dax Flame is.  Project X Cast Interview - Daxflame, Superbad, & Shaky Cam - YouTube   "He's one of the most fascinating people...There is nobody like Dax Flame on this planet..."  "He's very quiet and keeps to himself...(but) he seems very confident in what he's doing." "He's very smart, and he's extremely talented..." "It's tough to know when he's in character, and when he's not."

But Project X, is not the only major movie Dax Flame has been in of late.  He also appears in "21 Jump Street" which stars Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum.

Dax Flame in "21 Jump Street"

And if that's not enough Dax Flame for one day, well, here's some more. A wonderful moment in Dax Flame history which should never be forgotten...
Dax Flame has an amazing gift for posing for the camera

Let's look back with our amazing, magic sun glasses which can see into the past, and remember the time Dax Flame entered the Eclectic Asylum Art "Win a Portrait Contest", and WON.  Re: Strike A Pose WIN A PORTRAIT CONTEST - YouTube

And this was the amazingly, awesome result:

Welp, that shall end yet another thrilling joy ride through the blogosphere. Once again God Bless you, and thank you for your support.

UPDATE 2013:  Check out this article below, on the return of Dax Flame...

Diary of the Sad Cats, Return of the Dax Flame, and the Booing of the Bieber (PLUS unsent letters to "Weird" Al Yankovic, the age old question "Is Greg Onision Hitler?", AND discussion of Steven Universe)

UPDATE ON THE UPDATE:  6/12/2013    Dax Flame fans are joyous.   Dax appears in 2 new youtube videos, and it seems he may be back for good...

Dax Flame stars in "Caleb Jones Superhero"  AND the animated "Brushing Kevin's Hair"

For a portrait of Dax Flame: The Early Years and his tumultuous rise to fame, this article is also a MUST SEE...

Dax Flame: A COMPLETE COMPENDIUM OF ALL THINGS DAX FLAME- an utterly complete history of Dax Flame from Dax Flame beginning to Dax Flame end RE-beginning (everything you wanted to know about Dax Flame but were too shy to ask...or maybe you knew this stuff and forgot it?...or maybe you know this stuff but wanted to hear it again because you really love Dax Flame??)

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