Friday, September 19, 2014

It's Off to the Races with Two New Video Reviews of "Sandwiching People" by Cameron Dallas & Nash Grier AS WELL AS "That's What She Said" by the Janoskians (featuring Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves and his panel of experts)

Japonies gif (see: Vinesauce Studyguy - Japonies 2014 

Welp,  it's time once again for exciting youtube channel reviews with the highly esteemed Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves.

Cameron Dallas in "Sandwiching People" gif

Since you, gentle reader, probably have not had time to watch every single video on the whole damn internets, I will post some clips to get you acquainted.

"Sandwiching People" Cameron Dallas

"That's What She Said" The Janoskians

HELP ME OBI WAN cat meme

As you can imagine, Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves needed all the help he could get to review these videos, so he called in a panel of experts.  Well, just watch the video below... it explains everything...


Alrighty then, so leave me some lovely comments and let me know what you thought of this week's video.  Oh!  And before I forget, let me give a shoutout to Michael D'Agostino who challenged me to the Ice Bucket uhhh...Challenge at A Life Examined...

See, I wasn't making this up.  There are people who actually do talk about me on their blogs.  So go over to Michael's blog and show him some love as well.

Once again, thank you and please remember to support your local zoo.

Stay classy, Chicago!

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