Friday, July 24, 2015

People Giving Dolphins Cigarettes??? (Can We Even Trust Ourselves Anymore?)

dolphins against smoking gif

A horrible plague has fallen across our culture, folks.

young spelling bee contestant heroically spells "Iridocyclitis"

 A plague even more contagious than Iridocyclitis...

That's right.  It seems some unsavory individuals have been trying to get dolphins addicted to cigarettes, and Wilford Fungus is mad as hell about it!

I mean... can we even trust ourselves anymore???

"trust nobody, not even yourself" (rustled jimmies version)

Wilford asks this question, as well as goes off about some "hate mail" received about the Ariana Grande donut slurping video...

Which is the perfect segue into our song of the day...

Oscar the Grouch's anthem

Play us out, Oscar!

My Personal Twitter Feed!
