this cat |
You guys may have seen this video
Justin Bieber's Loving Way of Dealing With Crazy Fans - Top 10 since it went viral. I have to confess I wasn't particularly impressed. I mean, all of Justin's fans are little kids, what would you expect him to do? Justin's not going to tell them to
RELAX and slam the car door in their face... it's just kind of common sense to be nice, you don't get a gold star for that.
Oh, well apparently it is apparently a little harder to be nice to your fans than I thought, if you watch this video...Which was enough to spark the unbounded fury of my employee Ricardo the Rhinoceros who rants on my youtube channel. Just watch:Which is the perfect segue into the relationship advice of Joseph Strickland. |
Joseph Strickland: relationship expert |
I can't claim to agree with 1000% of what Joseph says, but I will definitely back his right to say it 37%...I really don't know how to end this post, so here's a picture of Bill Dautrine. |
Bill Dautrine |
Thank you, and goodnight.