Friday, March 30, 2012

The Hunger Games (time to jump on the bandwagon), Tenacious D reunites (I think), and Chloe Moretz to play Carrie in a remake of the classic horror film

Well, I thought it was time to chip in my measly two cents, and join the rest of Western civilization by talking about "The Hunger Games" movie.  Now, let me preface my remarks by saying, I haven't seen the movie yet...however, it looks like a very well made film, with great acting, and good writing.  But I admit, I am kinda confuzzled about how many of these recent blockbuster movies are based on ideas that are far from original.  I didn't think the basic story behind Twilight was all that original.  And "The Hunger Games" is basically a combination of the 1987  Arnold Schwarzenegger film "The Running Man", and the famous American short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson (SEE:The Lottery--Shirley Jackson ).  If you compare the trailers of the two films, you can see what I mean (1. The Hunger Games Ultimate Hope Trailer (2012) HD Movie - YouTube and 2. 1987 - The Running Man - Trailer - YouTube ).

Oh least it is a good excuse for me to post this video of Arnold's craziest quotes from "The Running Man"...

"You cold blooded baystard.  I'll tell you what I think of it.  I live to see you eat that contract, but I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and break your gaddam spine!"

Oh that is some good stuff!   ...and it is the perfect segue into our next topic.  (Actually, it is probably the worst segue ever.  I just said that because I couldn't think of a way to transition into our next exciting topic.)  Jack Black and the other member of Tenacious D,  I will just call him Kyle because I don't know his last name...or if you like we can call him "Rage Cage", have reunited to make a short film which is sweeping the internets like the bubonic plague, but only a good type of bubonic plague, which instead of giving you a fever and swollen  lymph nodes, will make you laugh.  (BRIEF UPDATE 3/31/2012:  Thanks to Bersercules, and Mark the Rambling Person who reminded me it's Kyle Gass.  Actually I did know Kyle's last name but I was having some brain freeze when I wrote this.  1000 pardons to Mr. Gass, I have been most revolting.  Umm, yeah..and also Mark told me it's Rage Kage with a K, so sorry about that as well.)

Jack Black and Elton Hercules John:  Separated at birth?????

Well, honestly, I have not had time to watch this exciting new Tenacious D mini-movie yet, but if one of you guys want to check it out go here Tenacious D - To Be The Best - YouTube , and tell me all about it in the comments section...

And these are not the only big entertainment stories sweeping the internets seems that the great and heroic teen actress Chloe Moretz has been chosen to play the lead in a remake of the classic 70's horror film "Carrie" which starred a young Sissy Spacek, and was of course based on the Stephen King novel.  We all know Chloe will be great, but will she be as great as she was in her portrayal of troubled teen actress Enid Krysinski in "Scary Girl"?

So, that will end our show today.

Once again,... God bless you all, and thank you for your support.

Good night...

...and stay classy Chicago.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Edgy new Justin Bieber answers critics by releasing new single, Dax Flame addresses HATERS and their hatred, and a great performance from the past is remembered and memorialized

Justin Bieber is making an attempt to create a more sophisticated sound, and reach a broader new audience with his upcoming album "Believe."  If you don't "believe" me (pun intended)  just ask the album's co-producer Mike Posner.

"I think we've all known Justin since he was 13, and that's not the kid I was in the studio with anymore. He's an 18-year-old. He skateboards with Lil Wayne and hangs out with Lil Twist. Those are his homies. And he listens to hip-hop and he's a really cool kid. He's not like a corny guy," said Posner.

And if you think I made up that quote, think again, because you can read the interview right here Justin Bieber Will Change 'The Landscape' With Believe - Music, Celebrity, Art  at MTV's website.  Unless MTV made it up, but I doubt very much that is the case, because their credibility is unimpeachable.

Justin Bieber "Haters STFU!" meme found on the internets

As you can see Justin is looking very spiffy in this artwork for his new single "BOYFRIEND" (though you think someone with his kind of money could afford Selsun Blue.) 

Anywho, without further ado, let's learn a little bit more by checking out the exciting new sound from the Biebs.  Listen here
Boyfriend (Official Single) - Justin Bieber - YouTube or check it out below...

What do you think? Will this nasty new sound from Justin Bieber be enough to shut up the HATERS??

Godzilla "Haters gonna Hate" gif created by some unknown genius

But the Biebs knows full well he is not the only heroic figure in Western civilization that must deal with their share of "haters"...

Dax Flame "Haters STFU!" meme found only at

Just watch this video produced by the heroic, and very influential Dax Flame entitled "This one's for the Haters."

"This one's for the Haters."

If after viewing this video, you are still not sure why it is entitled "This one's for the Haters"...well, I'm just as confused as you are.

I should probably end today's exciting episode right here, and go return "Hugo" to the video store, and pick up a Nachos Bell Grande at Taco Bell...but NO!!!... we press further... 

Let's put on our magical mysterious sunglasses which see into the past, and remember a great performance by another pop superstar that had a great head of hair in his day. 

See this amazing version of the Beatles' "Let it Be" by Leo Sayer:

At one point Leo either messes up, or purposely changes the lyrics.  He sings "when the broken hearted people, living in this world are free..." instead of "when the broken hearted people, living in the world agree...there will be an answer. Let it be." 

I personally like Leo Sayer's version of the lyrics in this performance even better than the correct I decided to memorialize this apparent lyrics goof up with this meme I made below...

Well there you have it. Another miraculous thrill ride through the blogosphere has been had.

Once again... God bless you, and thank you for your support.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Katy Perry's "Part of Me" is kind of a BIG DEAL

Hey, kids.  Well, I figure I'd start today's entry with some current event news which a lot of you care about.  Then finish with a little bit about what I've been up to, which almost no one cares about.

Conversely,  Nellie Vaughn of , you are absolved from having to read the first half of this, since you don't really like Katy Perry, so I forgive can just read the second part of it when formulating your comment.  Or maybe you are not reading this at all, which would be kind of embarrassing...but anywho, now, on with our story...

It seems like Katy Perry has been having a lot of men trouble in her videos of late.  She is almost becoming a 2012 version of 1990's Alanis Morissette...

this is an inside joke for Alanis Morissette fans (I found this thanks to btw)

But that's not important right now.  What is important is that Katy Perry's "Part of Me" is a big hit all across the internets.

So...let's learn a little bit more...

Basically, Katy Perry gets her heart broken by some jerk, and in what some might consider a rash decision...decides to join the marines.

interesting scene in Katy Perry's "Part of Me" vid

After the unexpected twists and surprise turns in Perry's last two videos I didn't know what to expect.  Would Katy Perry die in combat at the end of this video??

Or was Katy Perry going to come back and kill the guy who was cheating on her??  or at least beat the crap out of him???   Well, if you want to know the answer to that, watch the video below:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tim Tebow Speaks: Tim Tebow's first interview(s) and his reaction to being traded to the New York Jets (ALSO, THE RETURN OF TEBOWIE!!!!!!)

Well, true believers...  it looks like they won't be seeing much more of this in Denver, as Tim Tebow has been traded to the New York Jets.  It turns out, God...being the public relations genius that He is, thought the best place for His superstar was in the massive media market of New York.  Now, Tim can teach the whole world how to Tebow after all.

As I signed on to the internets today,  all I really wanted to hear was what Tim Tebow had to say about his new home...not what some crumb bum prognosticating sports commentators thought of the situation.

But this information seemed to be quite unusually hard to find, for some reason.  So being the investigative reporter that I am, I decided that I must seek out this information, and put it here on , so at least MY readers would not be in the valley of darkness on this issue.

So without further ado, here is Tim Tebow speaking on his thoughts and feelings on going to New on the pic or the link below it:

Tebow 'Excited to be a Jet' - ESPN Video - ESPN



Tebow: His role, Sanchez and Rex's cussing - Jets Blog - ESPN New York

Alright, I think I we have accomplished our mission in this entry.  Now...  Jimmy us out...

Once again, ...

   ...God bless you, and thank you for your support.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dax Flame: Where is he now in 2012?? (Updated 6/12/2013)

I suppose the diehard Dax Flame fans know that he has ventured into the world of blockbuster motion pictures...  But being as difficult as it is to keep up with things in this busy, busy world...I have decided to provide this brief compendium of all things Dax Flame, at least as far as current events go. 

Welp, you likely have heard about the movie Project X Project X - TV Spot 23 - YouTube .  When I heard Dax Flame was going to be in this Project X project...well, naturally I was elated...
Dax Flame with the cast of "Project X"

But my elation turned to measured joy, when I realized that the makers of "Project X" were not utilizing the massive talent that is Dax Flame to it's maximum capablities.  He was no where to be found in the trailer, for example....though his name was indeed in the credits.

I thought perhaps that the promoters of the film did not want to give away too much.  I remember when E.T. came out...we had no idea what E.T. the Extraterrestrial looked like until we saw the movie....

Now here is Dax being interviewed on the set of "Project X"...and if you still don't know what "Project X" is  about, Dax sums it up quite well. "It's about a party that goes out of there's explosions."

In this red carpet interview at the premier of "Project X", Dax explains why people should want to see this film. "If they wanna go see a movie on the weekend, and they're in a mood to see it. It would be the perfect one to see."

In an interview with the cast of the movie, we get some clues on who the real Dax Flame is.  Project X Cast Interview - Daxflame, Superbad, & Shaky Cam - YouTube   "He's one of the most fascinating people...There is nobody like Dax Flame on this planet..."  "He's very quiet and keeps to himself...(but) he seems very confident in what he's doing." "He's very smart, and he's extremely talented..." "It's tough to know when he's in character, and when he's not."

But Project X, is not the only major movie Dax Flame has been in of late.  He also appears in "21 Jump Street" which stars Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum.

Dax Flame in "21 Jump Street"

And if that's not enough Dax Flame for one day, well, here's some more. A wonderful moment in Dax Flame history which should never be forgotten...
Dax Flame has an amazing gift for posing for the camera

Let's look back with our amazing, magic sun glasses which can see into the past, and remember the time Dax Flame entered the Eclectic Asylum Art "Win a Portrait Contest", and WON.  Re: Strike A Pose WIN A PORTRAIT CONTEST - YouTube

And this was the amazingly, awesome result:

Welp, that shall end yet another thrilling joy ride through the blogosphere. Once again God Bless you, and thank you for your support.

UPDATE 2013:  Check out this article below, on the return of Dax Flame...

Diary of the Sad Cats, Return of the Dax Flame, and the Booing of the Bieber (PLUS unsent letters to "Weird" Al Yankovic, the age old question "Is Greg Onision Hitler?", AND discussion of Steven Universe)

UPDATE ON THE UPDATE:  6/12/2013    Dax Flame fans are joyous.   Dax appears in 2 new youtube videos, and it seems he may be back for good...

Dax Flame stars in "Caleb Jones Superhero"  AND the animated "Brushing Kevin's Hair"

For a portrait of Dax Flame: The Early Years and his tumultuous rise to fame, this article is also a MUST SEE...

Dax Flame: A COMPLETE COMPENDIUM OF ALL THINGS DAX FLAME- an utterly complete history of Dax Flame from Dax Flame beginning to Dax Flame end RE-beginning (everything you wanted to know about Dax Flame but were too shy to ask...or maybe you knew this stuff and forgot it?...or maybe you know this stuff but wanted to hear it again because you really love Dax Flame??)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bersercules gives me the Lobster Award (also Svengoolie, Bibleman, Thundarr the Barbarian, Chewbaca, and Ookla the Mok)

"Lobsterman for President" via the New Hampshire Political Library

Well, this is a very exciting time at Funguzz Vizzion, because Bersercules (the Berserk Herc) of hoisted upon me the very prestigious "Lobster Award."

Oh, just kidding!  I know it is not called the Lobster Award.  It is the "Lieber Award" most likely named after former Chicago Cubs pitcher Jon Lieber....  And I am glad to get it.  If you can not get a World Series ring, it is the next best thing.

But, I digress.  Mainly what I wanted to talk about in this entry was the Berserk Herc's movie review  show.  Hmmm, now what can I compare Bersercules' show to, to give the huddled masses across the internets more of an idea what they are getting into...?

Well, if you are in the Chicagoland area you might liken his show to "The Son of Svengoolie" program.

Or another show that comes to mind is Mystery Science Theater 3000 which Bersercules actually did a brief review of Mystery Science Theater 3000 review by Bersercules - YouTube ...

But really, these shows are missing the passion of the Bersercules show.  The Berserk Herc really gets angry when a show or movie is REALLY bad.  And why not?...  Mozart died penniless, but some numbskull is living in a mansion in Beverly Hills with a beautiful wife, for producing or writing some show or movie that could have easily been created by a van full of mentally challenged, hairy, drooling, baboon children?  This hardly seems fair.  When so many starving artists, who actually have talent, are destined to be forever drowned in the quicksands of endless obscurity, while no talent doofuses are allowed to propagate their sad excuse for creativity to sometimes millions of people...we can understand why so much passion goes into Bersercules reviews.

OK, ok, ok, ok...without further are two of my favorite Bersercules' shows...

The first one is another tale in the continuing saga of Bibleman.  I don't really need to tell you anything more about it.  Just watch below...

And this show so moved me, I was inspired to make this Bibleman gif. I guess I am sort of like Bibleman...I felt lead to make it.
Bibleman: "Jesus said you are the light of the world."

Thank you, Lord.

One of my other favorite episodes of the Bersercules showgram is his review of the old Saturday morning cartoon show Thundarr the Barbarian.  Check it out below:

Bersercules points out some of the similarities, or more like some of the rip-offs from the Star Wars saga in "Thundarr the Barbarian." For example, Thundarr uses a light saber, and then there is this guy...

Ookla the Mok
Thundarr's loyal sidekick Ookla the Mok.  Now whooo does he remind you of???

Well, guess what! This entry is about to get even more exciting because Bersercules review of Thundarr inspired me to make this gif based on what I thought was the funniest part of his review...

"Ookla... you might have to fly this bird!"

Alright, alright...  I think that will end our exciting journey for today. 

Once again, God bless you all, and thank you for your support.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

An 8 Year Old Advice Consultant (also rocketships, frying pans, Hugh O'brian, fluffy seals, and cats)

introducing Hugh O'brian
Well, I thought I would belch out a relatively quick entry while it was still hot on the frying pan of my mind.  I am going to give a shout-out to fellow blogger "the japing ape" of who inspired the gist of this entry (when I eventually get around to the gist).  Also, let me give a shout-out to the rest of my fellow bloggers who also inspire me.  I will get to you all know how the creative process works (I am doing the best that I can here).  And Bersercules of who recently gave me an award...  I haven't forgotten you Bersercules...  I am working on something special is all.  (Well, whenever I think of awards I think of the Hugh O'brian Leadership Award, and how some guy I went to school with...what's his face Dave Latowski, won the Hugh O'brian Leadership Award, and everyone seemed to think it was funny.  Anyway, Dave Kowalski, or whatever his name was, couldn't seem to live down that fact he had won the Hugh O'brian Leadership Award.  It was an albatross around his neck, if you will.  But that is neither here nor there.  Now on with our story...)  And anyone else out there who is reading this and would like a mention, I will get to you eventually.  Unless, I am run over by a DUNKIN DONUTS bread truck (or something like that).  Actually, no one probably cares, but just in case someone does, know that you all are always on the back burner of the frying pan of the creative abyss known as my brain....

Now.  On to the essence of this post...

A Problem Solving Consultancy:

Well, as I I was reading on the Mar 14 episode, I learned of this 8 year old advice consultant  going by the name Miss Evie Mouse.  She is very small, but she solves BIG problems...and her website is .

now isn't this the cutest thing you've ever seen?

or maybe this is the cutest thing you have ever seen..
cat/kitty wants to be petted gif

or this....
source: surfacingg.tumblr

I was gonna write a good deal more...

but I think this is a good place to stop the show and go out on a high note.

Once again...God bless you all, and thank you for your support.

Also I updated my "Does God Exist?" article for anyone who cares:  Funguzz Vizzion: Does God Exist?: Mysteries of the Universe Unraveled

Sunday, March 11, 2012

When will Excedrin be back on store shelves? (a brief yet informative interview with Headache Puppy)

Headache Puppy has not had his Excedrin for a very long time

Jimmy Fungus:  Headache Puppy, thank you for taking time to do this interview.  I know you have a migraine, and are in a great deal of pain right now.

Headache Puppy:  Yes, I do have a terrible headache, but I felt this interview was very important...and I wanted to help my fellow migraine sufferers. 

Jimmy Fungus:  As you know, Excedrin, NoDoz, Bufferin, Gas-X and other pain relievers were voluntarily recalled in January because of a problem at the manufacturing plant.  I have read many contradictory reports on what happened and when these products will be back on the market....ranging from "many people have died" because of a mix-up at the plant and the FDA shut them down, to Excedrin has gone out of business and Excedrin will never be available again.  What can you tell us about this, Headache Puppy?

Headache Puppy:  Jimmy, THESE ARE ALL LIES...YES THEY ARE TERRIBLE, FILTHY LIES!!  It is true Excedrin is not available right now, but it was just a precautionary measure by Novartis Consumer Health Inc. as a reaction to some complaints which were a result of a packaging problem at the plant.  No one died.  The best place to find accurate up to date information on this mess is from Excedrin's Twitter page Excedrin® (excedrin) on Twitter  The company is not out of business...  As recently as early March they assured their customers: "We are working to resume production and return products to stores as soon as possible."

Jimmy Fungus:  Headache Puppy, one Excedrin product I have grown to depend on is Excedrin Migraine in tablet form.  Are there any alternatives I can use until this product is back on the market?

Headache Puppy: Jimmy, there are generic versions of Excedrin Migraine available.  The main ingredients are Acetaminophen 250 mg , Aspirin 250 mg , and Caffeine 65 mg.  Though these generic migraine formulas do not work for me, probably because I am a dog, you are human so you might want to give them a try.

Jimmy Fungus:  Thank you very much for your time, Headache Puppy.  Get some rest, and try to take care of that headache.

Headache Puppy:  You're welcome, James.  I sure will.

disclaimer:  This post is not meant to be taken 100% seriously.  It is probably not a good idea to give human headache medicine to dogs.

what Excedrin Migraine tablets look like according to Wikipedia

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Neil deGrasse Tyson: WATCH OUT, we got a badass over here!

Carl Sagan gif made by some unknown genius

Perhaps you read my earlier article on famed astronomer Carl Sagan  SEE: Cosmos: A cosmic journey with Carl Sagan and Jimmy Fungus . Well, welcome back true believers, because in today's trek through the blogosphere we will be discussing another great and brilliant scientist, Neil deGrasse Tyson.

famous Neil deGrasse Tyson meme sweeping the internets

Just maybe, you have seen this "Watch out, we got a badass over here!" meme. Well, NO, it's not a movie poster from one of the John Shaft action movies from the 70's... it's astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson who rumor has it, will soon be hosting a new version of Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" series, since Carl is no longer with us. Lord knows we will all be looking forward to that.

Anywho, I thought that this Neil deGrasse Tyson "Watch out, we got a badass here!" meme was so awesome, that I was inspired to make my very own Neil deGrasse Tyson "Watch out, we got a badass here!" here check it out...

Neil deGrasse Tyson "Watch out, we got a badass over here!" gif, made by me

Yes, well, thank you very much. Now, that the applause has died down, I think the best way to learn about Neil deGrasse Tyson is just to post of video of him in action. Here Tyson responds to the question, "WHAT IS THE MOST ASTOUNDING FACT YOU CAN SHARE WITH US ABOUT THE UNIVERSE?"

And in conclusion, the most astounding fact I can share with you about astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson...he is...

Carl Sagan: "Brilliant!"

Welp, folks, that will end today's exciting journey.

Once again, God bless you, and thank you for your support.

Update 9/14/2012

Neil deGrasse Tyson dancing like Michael Jackson gif

Once again, thank you all very muchly... and please remember to support your local zoo.

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