Monday, February 18, 2013

Goats Yelling at Arnold Schwarzenegger , and Quentin Tarantino Telling Off a Muppet

Arnold Schwarzenegger and a goat

Hello again, dear ones.  I am not going to waste your time, or mine, attempting to explain the title of today's, just listen to the podcast (which BTW also contains an emergency CALL TO ACTION for the Fungus Army!)...


"DUDE, WHAT?" meme (created by an unknown genius)

If you are still saying, "DUDE, WHAT??" that's okay.  Because it is about damn time we had another exciting episode of "WTF WAS THAT...WTF IS THIS!!??"

the "WTF IS THAT?  WTF IS THIS...?" cat is caught in the fence again (found on the internets)

WTF IS THAT!?  Well of course it's an exciting internet viral video about goats, glorious goats, yelling and screaming like humans...

WTF IS THIS!?  It's an exciting response video from my youtube channel ( made by me.  It is...  well,...  why should I use up valuable brain cells trying to explain it, when you could just watch the video.  So, if you be so kind, just watch it.  OK??

"I am shutting your butt down!"
And there is more in the news than just goats.  It seems that Quentin Tarantino is shutting people's butts down.  Well, actually this story was in the news awhile back.  And I made an AMAZING youtube video about it.  OBVIOUSLY I never got time to post it here at  But as I was moseying around the internets, I discovered the story was still a big deal to many of us elephants out here in the peanut gallery.

If you don't know what the hell I am talking about, it may be because you didn't listen to the podcast, where I explain this Quentin craziness in a little more detail.  Long story short, Tarantino got all prickly with an interviewer who had the unmitigated gall to ask him a question about film violence.  Who the hell did that guy think he was?

Well, whatevers,...   Just watch the spoofy video I made about it at

angry Kermit the frog gif (yah...made by me to)

And that's about all I have for you today, folks.  Once again, God bless you, and please remember to support your local zoo.

Stay classy, Chicago!

"Alice in Wonderland" Goodbye cat gif (via victheunicorn.tumblr)

Friday, February 15, 2013

The first ever episode of "Forever Alone Theater" hosted by Chucky C. Chuckles (featuring Disney's "Paperman"); ALSO, "Current Events Rodeo Roundup" and a new channel review by Lord Throckmorton Funguleaves (Demi Lovato and Shane Dawson will be discussed)

Walt Disney's "Paperman" will be the subject of the first ever episode of "Forver Alone Theater"

Welcome back, true believers.  Thankfully, that awful day Valentine's Day is behind us for another year...

This is what I was doing on Valentine's Day...

Stewie from "Family Guy" chillin' by the fireplace gif (via mousieeetravis tumblr)

So, what did you do on Valentine's Day?

Anywho, there is a whole lot going on today as far as related news is concerned (a real post Valentine's Day massacre), including 2 new youtube videos presented by Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves, as well as well as the first ever episode of "Forever Alone Theater" which is hosted by the resident comedian (and now official relationship expert) of,  Chucky C. Chuckles.  Well, just listen to the podcast for more info....

Here's Disney's "Paperman" short animated film...

Here's the first ever episode of "Forever Alone Theater" and Chucky C. Chuckles' review of "Paperman"...

Here's that guy from "Jersey Shore" who hates every single one of us...  well, not YOU... He probably hates me though.

the "My name is John, and I hate every single one of you... Sh*t was SO CASH!" guy
Moving right along...

Demi Lovato has a new album, and a brand new single coming out on March 4th called "Heart Attack."  Watch the latest episode of  the Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves' "Current Events Rodeo Roundup" here:

Demi Lovato "Heart Attack!" (a dramatic reading by Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves)

Demi Lovato "HEART ATTACK" cover art (and a giant cat)

In addition to all this wonderment, Lord Throckmorton is continuing his series of "channel reviews" on the Shane Dawson youtube channels.  Check out the latest sexciting installment here:

"Harlem Shake!" Shane Dawson Edition (a review by Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves)

"Harlem Shake Shane Dawson Edition" animated gif

Welpers, dear friends.  That will conclude yet another extraordinary journey through the vast tubes of the internets.

Once again...thank you and please remember to support your local zoo.

Stay classy, Chicago!

Monday, February 11, 2013

How to Deal with Negative, Bullying Comments at Youtube, AND the First Ever Episode of "The Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves Current Events Rodeo Roundup" (Justin Bieber, Bill Nye, and Charlie Sheen will be discussed)

Kim Kardashian and "Jimmies" Jesus in  "Let the Jimmies Rustle Through You"  (meme newly invented by me)

Hello again, true believers.  There is so much going on...  I think I will just explain most of it in my latest podcast instead of chuntering on here. (Yes, I think that would be best.)  So, anywho...the podcast is about all the negative comments I have been getting at youtube,...which is also a perfect segue into talking about my latest video on the youtube channel  So, if you be so kind, give the podcast a listen...


As I say in the podcast, Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves has been filled with quite a bit of anger regarding all the negative and insulting comments he receives at youtube...

"BEAR WITH IT" meme (via the internets)

But I advised Lord Throckmorton to just "bear with it", and not let his jimmies get rustled.  Rather "let the jimmies rustle through you", because with the love and support of the brave knights of the Fungus Army on our side, how can we be defeated?? It is not even possible.

Ok.  Moving right along...

Justin Bieber playing the president of the "MILEY CYRUS FAN CLUB" on SNL.  (Justin and Miley have taken turns spoofing each other on Saturday Night Live.)

As I mention in the podcast, Lord Throckmorton has a new video out on my youtube channel...which is the first ever episode of "The Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves Current Events Rodeo Roundup", and the main topic is Justin Bieber's SNL appearance over the weekend.

As hopefully you have noticed as you watched the video, subtopics discussed were Bill Nye's appearance on CNN concerning that asteroid that will almost hit our dear planet...

Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Mister Rogers, Carl Sagan, and that artist guy (I don't know his name) in the exciting "SOME MEN JUST WANT TO WATCH THE WORLD LEARN" meme (created by an unknown genius)

And Charlie Sheen's plea to an allegedly murderous fugitive to turn himself into authorities...

NOT Charlie Sheen (Cookie Monster hooked on cookie dough gif via "Family Guy" and
(BTW, there are links with more info about all these exciting news stories, in the description portion of Lord Throckmorton's video.)

And finally, I wanted to share this awesome little vid with you.  It's where I got the clip from I used to open the podcast.  From the youtube channel upperBizzle  it's General Archie from the upcoming "War Movie."  Enjoy this, true believers.  Enjoy this!

Once again, God bless you all, and please remember to support your local zoo.

Stay classy, Chicago!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Penelope Soto Flips Off Grumpy Judge and Pays the Price: A Tale of Authority Figures And Their Iron Fists of uhhh... Authority... Gone Cuckoo (also, we embark on a new journey at, and I will tell you about that)

Penelope Soto rustles a judge's jimmies in a Miami Dade courtroom

Have you heard about this crazy situation with this young lady Penelope Soto who rustled a judge's jimmies, and he subsequently threw the book at her?  (SEE:  Flipping the Bird to the Judge )

Well, guess what, kids!  It's the subject of my first ever podcast.  Yes, take my hand, true believers, because we are going in a new direction here at  One that will save on the high cost of ink, by cutting down on words for me, and hopefully will make the experience for you, the gentle reader, more enjoyable.  Let me know what you think about this "new direction" in the comments. But for now....just click on the media player below, and let your ears do all the thinking...

"Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it." (via "Billy Madison")

Now back to our story.  As I alluded to in the podcast,  Penelope Soto pretty much told this grumpy, old judge to kiss her a$$...

the KISS MY ASS panda (via the internets)

...and the judge reacted like we were in Soviet Russia...

IN SOVIET RUSSIA JIMMIES RUSTLE YOU meme (via the internets)

...or perhaps the judge was just givng her a dose of "tough love"?


Luckily, my roving current events analyst Lord Throckmorton Fungusleaves has been covering this story, and was able to bring you this new delightful video...SO WATCH!

Welp, dear friends...  that's all I have for you today.

a panda's butt (via SOMESAI @ FLICKR )

So, I figure I'd just post this picture of a panda's butt I found on the internets, and call it an afternoon.

Once again, thank you, and please remember to support your local zoo.  Stay clasyy, Chicago!

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